rezultat poiskanja (search results)

parametry poiskanja: avtor = %Dokoupil M.%, nazvanje = %, rezjume = %, kljucno = %, od = 2016, do = 2999

(novo poiskanje jest na na koncu tutoj stranice)

2019 (2)

Last issue
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Dokoupil M. Slovjanska Lužica i Lužičani (in English: Slavic Lusatia and Lusatians) in:, 2019, 4(2), pages 68-72. ISSN 2570-7108 (print), ISSN 2570-7116 (on-line). Available from [].

rezjume: Tutoj članok piše o historiji i dnešnom vrěmeni Lužice, krajině od mnogyh prošlyh lět naležečej slovjanskym lužičanam i dnes vkluječoj do svezovyh krajin Němcije.

ključne slova: slovjanska Lužica; Lužičani; lužičski srbi; lužicky jezyk; Němcija

summary: This article deals with the history and present of the entire Lusatia, a territory belon- ging to the Slavic Lusatian since log time ago and now incorporated into the Union Lands of Germany.

keywords: Slavic Lusatia; Lusatians (Wends); Lusatian Serbs; Lusatian; Germany

2019 (1)

Last issue
PDF format

Dokoupil M. Slovjanski bogi (in English: Slavic gods) in:, 2019, 4(1), pages 53-55. ISSN 2570-7108 (print), ISSN 2570-7116 (on-line). Available from [].

rezjume: Tutoj članok hoče prinesti lučše znanje o slovjanskyh bogah v kontekstu indoevropejskyh bogov i mitov prědhristijanskoj ery. Piše o vsih poznanyh prirodnyh bogah i vezah medžu njimi.

ključne slova: slovjanski bogi; Perun; bogi i mity

summary: This article seeks to raise awareness of the Slavic gods in the context of the Indo-European gods and myths of the pre-Christian era. It lists all found natural deities and relationships between them.

keywords: Slavic gods; Perun; gods and myths

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