je časopis imajuči neodvisny proces prěgedanja - dvojno slěpo prěgledanje (double-blind review). Časopis opublikuje toliko teksty, ktore držet trěbovanja ustavjene od redakcije. Recenzenti sut različni eksperti najmě iz oblasti humanitnyh nauk, sociologije, archeologije, lingvistiky, ili kultury i umětnosti, ale takože iz oblasti prirodnyh i techničskyh nauk. Vsekaky tekst jest prěgledany od dvoh neodvisnyh recenzentov iz sověta redakcije, ktori ne sut iz města raboty avtora ili v sporu s tekstom. Ako mněnja dvoh recenzentov sut različne, potom redakcija pytaje tretjego recenzenta, aby razrěšil rezultat prěgledanja. Avtori sut informovani o rezultatu od redakcije, ktory može byti jedin iz slědujučih: is a journal with an independent review process - the double-blind peer review. The journal publishes only such texts that meet both content and formal requirements set by the editorial board. Reviewers are various international experts especially in humanities, social sciences, archaeology, linguistics, or culture and art. Each text is reviewed by two independent reviewers from the editorial board who are not from the author's workplace or in conflict with the text. If opinions of two reviewers are different, the editorial board asks the third reviewer to conclude the review result. Editorial informs authors about the conclusion, which respects one of the following:
Kulturne, naučne, i učebne aktivnosti, ktore sut cělj tutogo časopisa, ne imajut rovno formalny i strogo logičny verifikačny mechanizm, ktory znajemo iz prirodnyh ili techničskyh nauk. Měra porazuměnja našej aktivnosti jest socijalny proces, ktory jest vezany do specifično kulturnyh, socialnyh, i ekonomičnyh stanov. Tuto znanje je zavisno na uslovjah svojego iztočnika, i jest vezano do cěnnostnogo ramka, iz ktorogo se počinaje, i po tutoj pričině imaje relativistično-konstruktivističny charakter. Zato jest časopisu trěba držeti kriterij a praviljnosti i razumnosti vsih tvrdženj: Vez na ulěpšenje kakosti života ljudij i drženje principa ravnosti narodov, religij, i pola, i takože siljno odmetenje ksenofobnyh učenj. Moderno slovjansko dviženje ne jest konfrontacija medžu slovjanami i drugymi ljudjami. Ne jest nikaka vyšnost něktoryh slovjanskyh narodov, kultur, i jezykov nad drugymi narodami, kulturami, i jezykami. Naš strategičny cělj jest upotrěbjenje naših slovjanskyh, evropskyh i christijanskyh prědnostij do tvorjenja novyh udobnomožnostij za podkrěpjenje pokojnoj soraboty cělogo modernogo světa.
The cultural, scientific, and educational activity that is the goal of this journal does not have the same formal and strictly logical verification mechanism that we see in natural and technical sciences. The degree of understanding of our activity is a social process that is bound to specific cultural, social, and economic conditions. This knowledge is dependent on the conditions of its origin and is related to the value framework from which it originates and therefore has a relativistic-constructivist character. That is why the journal has to respect the criterion of the correctness and rationality of all statements: The relationship to the improvement of the quality of life of people and keep the principle of equality of nationality, religion and gender, as well as the high rejection of xenophobic teachings. The modern international Slavic movement is not a confrontation between the Slavs and other peoples. There is no superiority of some Slavic nations, cultures, and languages over other nations, cultures, and languages. Our strategic goal is to use our Slavic, European and Christian strengths to create new opportunities to strengthen peace cooperation around the modern world.