Alfabetne vojny Slovjanov (vtora čest teksta)
Englijsko nazvanje:
Alphabetic Wars of Slavs (second part)
Rafail Gasparyan
2019 (2)
Členok v kratkosti razkryvaje vse sučne slovjanske pismenosti iz točky zrěnja alfabetnyh vojn, ktore hotěli do vseslovjanskogo koriščenja utvrditi toliko jednu pismenost nad vse druge. Jest pokazano, že razděljenje slovjanskogo světa na zapad i vazhod počelo netoliko tute vojny, ale i volju jih poraziti, kogda puti rěšenja byli takože različne od svojego města. Vo vtoroj česti kratko razkryvajemo kyrillicu i latinicu i eksperimenty s latiniceju.
Rezjume (Englijsky):
This article is an attempt to review briefly all existing Slavic alphabets from the point of view of alphabetical wars, which are attempts to establish only one alphabet for widespread use, excluding or suppressing all others. It is shown that the separation of the Slavic world into the East and the West, however, gave start not only to the alphabetical wars, but also to attempts to overcome them, and the approach differed depending on in which part of the Slavic world these attempts were made. In second part there are brief reviews of Cyrillic and Latin scripts and review of the experiments with Latin script.
Ključne slova:
alfabetne vojny; glagoljica; kyrillica; latinica; alfabetne eksperimenty
Ključne slova (Englijsky):
alphabetic wars; Glagolitic; Cyrillic; Latin; alphabetic experiments
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