Cěnnost moskovskyh i peterburskyh salonov iz prvoj tretjiny XIX-ogo stolětja do razvitja medžukulturnyh vezov
Englijsko nazvanje:
The value of Moscow and St. Petersburg salons of the first third of the XIX century in the development of intercultural contacts
assoc. prof. Natalia Aleksandrovna Bondarenko CSc.
2019 (2)
Rezjume (Englijsky):
Russian salons in the first third of the 19th century presented a once-off experience in historical and cultural life of Russia. Conversations and discussions on central matters of policy, economics and culture – all this was at issue of the Russian society's culturation.
Ključne slova:
Ključne slova (Englijsky):
salons; Russian elite of the first third of the 19th century; intercultural relations
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