Obrazok iz pokryvnoj stranice časopisa
Englijsko nazvanje:
Picture from the journal cover
MUDr. Jan Hachran
2018 (2)
Članok popisuje obrazok, ktory jesm stvoril do oslavnyh dnov na pamět 100 lět od obnovjenja samostojnoj Poljsky i osnovanja Češskoslovakije i Kraljevstva Srbov, Hrvatov i Slovencev, kako i oglašuje medžuslovjansky tekst v jegovoj vrhnoj i dolnoj česti. Jubileum Slovjanov jest izobraženo v alegoriji na pticu Fenix, ktora jest vozrodžena do novogo života. Na početok trěba znamenati, že obrazok jest v realnosti grafika stvorjena specijalnoju technikoju, ktora jest osnovana na dvoj-fazovom odtisku, kogda prvo jest na papir odtiskano vse kolorovano, i potom jest do kolorovanogo obraza pritiskana zlata folija, čto čini konečnoj tvorbě podobnost do pravoslavnoj ikony. Zlato jest moj ljubimy materijal, s ktorym često rabotaju, bo moje obrazy imajut glavno duhovnu i mističnu tematiku, i zlato jest prěkrasny materijal, zatože davaje věčjam istu svetost, ktora takože prinaleži do tutogo jubileja.
Rezjume (Englijsky):
The article describes the picture, which I created to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the restoration of free Poland, the founding of Czechoslovakia, and the creation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, which is also written in the upper and lower part of that picture. This anniversary is expressed through allegory of the Phoenix bird which is born from the ashes to a new life. On the be-ginning I add, that the image is in fact a graphics created by a special technique, which is based on two-phase printing, at first all the colors are printed and then follows the printing with a gold foil, so actually the whole artwork looks like an orthodox icon. Gold is my favorite material, with which I often work, because my paintings are mostly spiritual and mystical and gold is a magnificent piece of material, because it adds things some sanctity, that certainly also belongs to this anniversary.
Ključne slova:
Jan Hachran; dvoj-fazovy odtisk; grafika; ikonografija
Ključne slova (Englijsky):
Jan Hachran; two-phase printing; graphics; iconography
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