Skočiti na glavno sodrženje

Narod ljubi nas: počutja upada Carstva v vozpomněnjah svědkov 300-lětnogo jubileja doma Romanovyh

Englijsko nazvanje:

The People Love Us: the Feelings of the Empire's Decline in the Contemporary Memoirs of the 300-years Anniversary of the Romanov Dynasty


Anastasia Petrovna Ryzhova


2018 (2)


Poslědna i jedinstvena oslava sěmejstva Romanovyh, ktora byla dolžnoj se prazdnovati vsenarodno, ostavila gluboko vpečetljenje na sučasnikov. Svědky v svojih vozpomněnjah i dnevnikah opisyvali reakciju naroda, elity i Nikolaja Drugogo. Cělj članka jest složeno ukazati podobnosti i razliky mněnj poslě oslav v kontekstu počutij upada Carstva.

Rezjume (Englijsky):

The last and only celebration of the Romanov Dynasty that had to be celebrated nationwide left the great impression on the contemporaries. Witnesses in their own memoirs and diaries described the reaction of the people, elites and Nicholas II. That paper's goal is to complexly demonstrate similarities and differences of the opinions based on the results of the celebrations in the feelings of the Empire's decline context.

Ključne slova:

300-lětna ročnica doma Romanovyh; vozpomněnja; Nikolaj II; oslava; sěmejstvo Romanovyh

Ključne slova (Englijsky):

300-years aniversary of the Romanovs; memoirs; Nicholas II; celebrations; the Romanov dynasty

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