Program konferencije CISLa 2018
Englijsko nazvanje:
CISLa 2018 - conference programme
assoc. prof. Vojtěch Merunka Ph.D.
2018 (1)
CISLa 2018 (Conference on InterSlavic Language 2018) jest vtoro medžunarodno zasědanje ljudij, ktori uže mnogo lět sorabotajut na Internetu. Prvo zasědanje byla mnogo uspěšna konferencija CISLa 2017. Konferencija CISLa 2018 jest neoddělimoju častju medžunarodnogo festivala Dni slovjanskoj kultury, v godině 2018 posvečenoj srbskoj i lužičskoj kulturam.
Rezjume (Englijsky):
CISLa 2018 (Conference on InterSlavic Language 2018) is the second international meeting of people who have been collaborating on the Internet for many years. The first session was a very successful CISLa conference 2017. CISLa 2018 is an integral part of the International Festival of the Days of Slavic Culture, in 2018 devoted to the Serbian and Lusatian cultures.
Ključne slova:
CISLa 2018
Ključne slova (Englijsky):
CISLa 2018
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