parametry poiskanja: avtor = %Kotlyar, Y.%, nazvanje = %, rezjume = %, kljucno = %, od = 2016, do = 2999
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Kotlyar, Y. Faktor jezyka u mentaliteta nasěljenja južnoj Ukrajiny (in English: The language factor in the mentality of the Southern Ukraine population) in:, 2019, 4(1), pages 37-43. ISSN 2570-7108 (print), ISSN 2570-7116 (on-line). Available from []. rezjume: V tekstu se piše o osnovnyh faktorah formovanja južnoukrajinskogo mentaliteta. Jedin iz najvažnějših faktorov jest faktor jezyka. Narodna mentalnost imaje funkciju historičnoj paměti i davaje narodu jegovy identitet i etničnu svědomost. ukrajinsku državu formovalo sělsko nasěljenje i jegova starodavna zemjeděljska kultura. ključne slova: mentalitet; jezyk; nasěljenje; sěljanstvo; revolucija; južna Ukrajina summary: The article deals with the primary factors of the Southern Ukraine mentality formation. Mentality is a national type of world attitude based on linguistic images and symbols (often subconscious) that determine stereotypes of behavior, psychological reactions, the evaluation of certain events or individuals, and the attitude towards the surrounding reality. One of the most significant factors influencing the mentality formation of the Sou-thern Ukraine population is the linguistic factor. The distinction of languages me-ans, first of all, the difference between worldviews. National mentality fulfills the functions of historical memory and allows the people preserving identity and ethnic self-consciousness. The rural population that kept the ancient agricultural traditions, the outlook of ancestors-rebels and defenders of the Fatherland had chances to rebuild the independent Ukrainian state based on its social ideal (land, freedom, individual economy, and cultural traditions). For that case, the peasantry of the South of Ukraine, which has accumulated in itself the most characteristic features of the ancient Ukrainian (life in the steppe, love for religion, and rejection of any power except its own), is indicative. keywords: mentality; language; population; peasantry; revolution; Southern Ukraine |