Sociolinguistic aspects of Slavic linguistics

Socioligvistične aspekty slovjanskogo jezykoznanja

Andrei Lazarev

Publication date:


Abstract in English :

The discussion about the content of the concept Old (Church) Slavonic and its place in the general system of languages has been going on for more than one century and can hardly be considered complete. In the 20th century, the development of humanitarian discourse was largely determined by the secular-scientific atheistic paradigm, which had a palpable influence on the formation of the linguistic tradition in general and functional linguistic typology in particular. The focus of this article is on the sociolin- guistic aspects of this essential problem of Slavic linguistics.

Abstract in Interslavic :

Diskusija o sodrženju termina staro(crkveno)slovjanksy jezyk i o jegovom městu v ob- čej sisteme jezykov ide uže ne jedno stolětje, ale ju ne možno obvažati zakončenoju. V 20-om stolětju razvitje humanitarnogo diskurza bylo v mnogom oprěděljeno světsko- ateističnym paradigmatom, ktoro imělo jasny vplyv na formovanje lingvističnoj občej tradicije i v podrobnosti takože funkcionalnoj lingvističnoj tipologije. Tutoj tekst obra- čaje vnimanje na tutoj jestvujuči problem dnešnoj slovjanskoj lingvistiky.


ISSN: 2570-7108 (print), ISSN 2570-7116 (on-line)

PDF: 2019-2

Volume: 4

Issue: 2

First page: 9

Last page: 20