This paper describes methods and tools of the Slavic cultural diplomacy, which aim to improve the current status of Slavic nations in the context of today's globalized world. The first part is explaining the need for Slavic cultural diplomacy followed by an all-Slavic analysis of internal and external factors that cause the present dangerous situation. The following text is an overview of theoretical re-search and practical international projects that could be used. The main part of this paper is a detailed SWOT analysis and a proposal for a new Slavic strategy for the future. This paper describes the AIDAS method of managing individual projects and, in the formulation of general strategy, uses the J.W. Berry's acculturation hypothesis about four variants of intercultural and international relations. This paper reflects the author's practical experience in the recent all-Slavic movement and supports the idea of better peaceable Slavic involvement in the processes of building the modern globalized world. There is an appendix to the program objectives of the Slavic Union at the end of this paper.
Članok govori o teoriji i praksi Slovjanskoj kulturnoj diplomacije u družstva Slovjanska Unija v Čehiji. Prva čast teksta govori o potrěbnosti kulturnoj diplomacije. Vtora čast jest SWOT analiza i formulacija strategije s pomočju modela AIDAS kako metody upravjenja kulturnyh projektov. Tretja čast govori o programu družstva Slovjanska unija v Čehiji.